Michaela Bryndza
Welcome at my website!

I have been going to the Presov grammar school for the third year. After successful entrance exams, I started attending Jan Adam Rayman Grammar School. I chose the school for its qualities and positive response from the surroundings. I believe that this grammar school will best prepare me for studying in my dream university, and one day I will not be here like a student but i will be teacher of this grammar school. In the graduation year, I would like to choose mathematics and biology as graduation subjects. These are the most interesting subjects for me, which I would like to teach in the future. I'm worried about history. I like physical eduction, it's such a revival of the serious atmosphere of the grammar school. I didn't like geography, but our teacher makes it interesting to us. One day I would like to teach like her, be able to engage students and motivate them to do better work, some are simply suitable for the role of teacher, others not. I hope to be the right teacher.

Link to the website of my school!
