• Moje meno je Michelle Tomková.
  • Narodila som sa 2.júna v Prešove ,kde žijem celý moj život.
  • Od roku 2007 som navštevovala ZŠ Šmeralovu.
  • Na Gymnázium Jána Adama Raymana chodím od roku 2012.
  • Bavia ma jazyky a rada čítam.
  • Tiež rada fotím bez nejakých profesionálnych zručností

  • Mám rada hudbu. Moj názor je všetko je počuvateľné keď to je dostatočne nahlas. Medzi moje obľúbené pesničky patrí napríklad "A 1000 times". Páči sa mi hlavne kvoli textu.

    i had a dream that you were mine

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    a thousand times, a thousand times

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    i left my room, on the west side

    i walked from noon, until the night

    i changed my crowd, i ditched my tie

    i watched the sparks, fly off the fire

    i found your house, i didn’t even try

    they’d closed the shutters , they’d pulled the blinds

    my eyes were red, the streets were bright

    those ancient years, were black and white

    the 10th of novemeber, the year’s almost over

    if i had your number, i’d call you tomorrow

    if my eyes were open, i’d be kicking the doors in

    but all that i have is this old dream i’ve always had

    a thousand times, a thousand times

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    a thousand times, a thousand times

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    i left my room, on the west side

    i walked from noon, until the night

    i changed my crowd, i ditched my tie

    i watched the sparks, fly off the fire

    i found your old house, i didn’t even try

    they’d closed the shutters, they’d pulled the blinds

    i had a dream that you were mine

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    but i don’t answer questions, i just keep on guessing

    my eyes are still open, the curtains are closing

    and all that i have is this old dream i must have had.

    a thousand times, a thousand times

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    a thousand times, a thousand times

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    a thousand times, a thousand times

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times

    a thousand times, a thousand times

    i’ve had that dream a thousand times