Marián Opiela
  • 17.03.2011 - Made the webpage for the expression of Plane equation. (Useful with Cutting the cube with plane.)
  • 24.12.2010 - I wish Merry Christmas to all ;)
  • 29.10.2010 - Dynamic addition of the news is running.
  • 16.09.2010 - The photos from the trip to Ochtinska aragonitova cave a Zádielska valley added.
  • 09.09.2010 - Print the paper, which the classteacher wanted. Download.
  • 03.09.2010 - Addition of time schedule of 2.E class.
  • 01.08.2010 - Addition of english version of the site.
  • 30.07.2010 - Technical reconstruction of the page, added contact form (Please, don't abuse!).
  • 20.06.2010 - Addition of the projects from Informatics, Mathematics and English language.
  • 09.06.2010 - Official start of the page, but only in working version. There will be added new things gradually.