My school life

My school life has started... elementary school in Fintice, where I studied for 5 years and then got into 8-year gymnasium - Gymnasium John Adam Rayman and I am in seventh year at the moment.

Our school has attended many projects and competitions, in which I participated too. From competitions I took part in Physics olimpic, Pytagoriady and physic competition Hľadá sa energia in which me and my 2 friends won 2nd place; into German language contest in Language flower and many others. Besides competitions I have attended several project and one of them was project More than money, which is teaching about finances. If you plan to study economics after high school, I highly recommend this program. You can learn a lot things useful things there, that can come in use later in your life.

After high school I would like to go on collage abroad. I havn't decided yet, but I would like to study economics.

My language level: My IT abilities: