Adam Goč-Matis

My study started in the Bardejov on primary school Jána Amosa Komenského,where I attended first grade.Then as we moved to Prešov I started to walk to the second level on Z.Š.Šmeralova, and there I learned enough things on it that I got on high School Jana Adama Raymana.At the moment I am the pupils of the second year.Here is further studing,that I in the future proved he studied for dentist or pharmacist or teacher.skola.jpg, 136kB 16298570_1379269242135114_2573766834361269147_n.jpg, 55kB

Timetable 3.class
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mon BIO His Slovak PE Eng MATH CHE
Tue MATH Slovak GEO Russ Civ BIO BIO
Wen Russ BIO MATH Phys Eng LIT
Thur Biology Club IT PE LIT MAT Russ ENG Civ
Fri Geography Club MATH ENG GEO His CHE Phys
english lesson:B1
russian lesson:B1