My portfolio in English

Some information about me

My name is Antonia Gardosova.

I'm 18 years old.

I live in Sabinov, in the family house.

I have a younger sister Juliana.

I take care of one cat, fish and dog.


I studied at the elementary school in Sabinov.

There I attended historical, mathematical, biological and logical Olympics and the art competition.

I attended art school in Sabinov.

I study at the grammar school of Jan Adam Rayman in Presov, I attend class 3.B.

I learn English and German language.


My hobbies

In my free time I like to ride a horse, watch movies and serials and I love reading books.

And I'm very fond of workout in the fitness center lately.

My furure

I'm not very sure what I want to do in the future.

I haven't got any favourite subject, but I'm quite interested in science.

After graduation I want to study in college, maybe in the Czech Republic.

I definitely want to improve foreign languages, which are very useful and necessary.

My dream is to visit America and England, meet celebrities there, go sightseeing and improve conversation in a foreign language.