As I have already mentioned, I'm studying at gymnasium. This year is my seventh at GJAR. People say that it is the hardest and also the best gymnasium in Presov. After all, judge for yourselves on the basis of our timetable...

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
MON English language Slovak language and literature Mathematics Civics Geography Biology Biology
TUE History German language Slovak language and literature Physical education Civics Mathematics
WED Physics English language Biology Chemistry Mathematics German language Geography
THR History Slovak language and literature Informatics Mathematics Physical education Chemistry English language
FRI Physics English language Mathematics Biology German language Slovak language and literature

You can notice students from unparalleled class, which I have been a part of for so long, on the photo below. We experienced together many failures, accomplishments, growths and falls. Hopefully, graduation will end as a big success of ours...

classmates-1000.jpg, 341kB

Gymnasium of Jan Adam Rayman
Mudronova 20, 080 01 Presov
Phone: 051/7711600