About my website

About me

Helooo. My name is Ivana Andrascikova and this is my webside. I was born in one sunny beautiful day in Presov and I am 18 years old. I live in the village near Presov with my parents and three brothers. I attend Gymnasium of Jan Adam Rayman in Presov and I am in the third class.

When I was about 3 years old, I started to attend nursery school. In 2005 I became a pupil of primary school on Srobarova street. During school I devoted to several activities. I sang in the choir in the church, I attended art school for 8 years and I have been playing on a guitar for 10 years. In 2014 I started to attend gymnasium and I would like to finish it and go to university.

I like Geography, Biology and English at school. I really like swimming, skiing, playing ice hockey and football. I love nature, walks in the forests and fresh air.

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