On way to profesional programmer

My name is Jacob Jurasek, I am 19 years old. I was born in Presov. My dream is to become profesional programmer and developer of phone aplications in Java or Swift, Kotlin, they are languages for programming on Ios and Android.

In the future I would like to study on CVUT in Prague, where I would like to focus on programming language Java and develop my skills to every route and get some experiences, which I will use in my future job.

  • Unfinished projects

    Currently I am working on my project called "Alien Invasion", in which you are driving spaceship in our galaxy and your quest is to destroy every kind of enemies in our atmosphere.

  • Skills

    Slovak language: C1
    English language: B2
    Python: beginner
    Html: beginner
    Kotlin/Java: beginner
    Microsoft office: advanced


Jakub Jurasek

Email: Jacobjurasek@hotmail.com