Jakub Sykora

My education

2005-2014 I was studying at Primary school in Sedlice. This school gave me my basics and thanks to her Iadapt on the life style at the school and education itself. From this school, I went to the High school.
from 2014 In this time, I am studying at Grammar school of Jan Adam Rayman. The school I chose because of its good references and high level of education, but also because recommendations of its graduates.
Grammar school have given me my present knowledge. And I learn thanks to him in this time, even I do not improve my general knowledge, but I improve those of them, which I will need in future.
I am also studying at Primary arts school of Mikulas Moyzes and I am studying division of guitar. And also, I I regularly attend language curse of english organised by the Language school MTM.


Work with a computer

  • Internet(e-mail,www):regular user
  • microsoft office word:advanced
  • microsoft office powerpoint:advanced
  • microsoft office excel:basics
  • HTML,CSS:basics
  • This type of skills I develop and I plan to continue in that.

    Lanuage skills

  • slovak language:native speaker
  • english language:B2
  • russian language:B1
  • czech language:C2
  • Special skils

  • driving license of type B
  • Work experience

  • in July 2017 Central work
  • School work:

  • Rumunsko
  • Kanada
  • Pád berlínskeho múru
  • Preteky traktorov
  • Geotermálna energia