About me:
Hello! My name is Lucia Dorková.
I was born on 5.6.1999 in Prešov and now I live in Kendice.
I am 18 years old and I have one younger brother.

I attend GJAR I'm in the third grade and soon,
I am supposed to choose what I want to study next, but I don't really know.
I was determined, that I'll be doctor or something, but chemistry? NO. Thank you
I don't have much of spare time, but when I find some I usually read some books,
or watch good movies. I aslo try to workout but you know... I try.

My favorite book is probably The maze runner. And I aslo like books by John Green.
James Dashner: The maze runner

Music is something I really can't live without, and except of heavy metal
and classical music, I can listen to anything, but I love Ed Sheeran the most.
And then One Direction (I knooow, but it is what it is). ed one direction

I am really sad that now I don't have so much time for movies and tv shows
because I really enjoy watching them. I like horror movies, but also sci/fi and fantasy
I like, for example The conjuring, Woman in black, The boy, Thor and so on...
I watch a lot of tv shows, but my favorites are The Walking dead,
Sherlock (SHERLOCK IS THE BEST GO WATCH IT), the Originals, Glee, Skam and Shameless (US)

And I watch all movies and tv series (except Skam it's in norwegian and I do not speak Norwegian) in english, because I hate dubbing.

the walking dead sherlock
Aaand there's some (maybe) interesting facts about me:
I am a redhead (and I'm PROUD)
I love cornflakes and tea (any kind)
I hate Adam Durica's "songs"
I want BMW X6 (and I still don't have my driving licence)
I like name Ivan (don't know why...)
I spend all my money on food and in DM

And that would be probably it (for now). Maybe I will update something....later.