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You can find out something about my education in this part of my webpage.

As every other human, even I have attended nursery school, specifically in Nizna Sebastova, however I spent there one year more because my age was still not enough to atted elementary school, so I played with my toys one year longer and you can see it on me too .

Ater the nursery school I started to attend elementary school in Lubotice, where I have learnt alot. The teachers were really helpful, I have found some great friends, the school organized many interesting events, so we weren't bored, overall it was a great school.

In the previous part of my webpage I have already mentioned that right now I attend Gymnasium of Jan Adam Rayman in Presov. I have wanted to attend this school since the 4th grande of elementary school, but I couldn't leave my group of friends I got used to, so I rather waited. Eventually I got there. For those 4 years I have studied here I have to say that GJAR is really exeptional school. Many various individuals study here. For sure I don't regret that I went here, I have met many cool people who I wouldn't meet othervise, the teachers are trying to teach us the most and they are willing to help anytime. The school organises many events too, so the whole school year is not dull.

And where would I like to go next ? I am 100% not sure right now, but clearly Masaryk's university in Brno is one of the universities I would like to study informatics at.

Moja základná škola Gjar

Photo of the elementary school in Lubotice on the left, on the right photo of the gate of GJAR.