Martin Huk

My hobbies include a lot of things: dance, acting, piano, books, sports, social and computer games.

About dancing, I have been dancing for the 13th year under the direction of teacher Mária Lacová at theArt School of Mikuláš Moyzes.After some time we decided to take part in the new competition only for elementary art schools. It is called Art Dance Prešov and in 2018 we ranked second in our category. At the same school, I attend of Literature and Drama class, under the direction of teacher Mária Kuderjavá. I have been there for the third year now. It is also the 2nd year that I started to go to the piano to teacher Tatiana Ďurišová.

In sport I have tried a lot: handball, ping-pong, tennis and volleyball. Well, I stayed with tennis and volleyball. But also, I play football with friends and in school florball.

Among the books I read almost everything. From psychological drama to crime fantasy. I do not read the documentary books very much.

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