Timetable 4.D
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Monday PE German IT RAJ English
Tuesday Slovak IT IT Math Math 0
Wednesday English RAJ RAJ SEN SEN Math
Thursday Slovak RAJ German Math IT ZVM ZVM
Friday PE ESI ESI English German

Here are some of my projects and exercises:
First grade
Laboratórne cvičenie č.1
Laboratórne cvičenie č.2
Laboratórne cvičenie č.4
Laboratórne cvičenie č.5
Laboratórne cvičenie č.6
Church of Saint Nicolas
Second grade
Laboratórne cvičenie č.1
Laboratórne cvičenie č.2
Laboratórne cvičenie č.4
Laboratórne cvičenie č.5
High Tatras National park
Sargasso sea
Computer and work
Adrenaline sport
Third grade
Laboratórne cvičenie č.1
Laboratórne cvičenie č.2
Croatia and Montenegro
My work
My work zip
Presentation about running
The video made by me and my classmate Stanka.