Miloslav Myrón

Playing games is probably my favourtie hobby. One can relax and while doing that he can meet new people from other countries. I met a lot of amazing people while playing games and I'm friends with some of them to this day. Also it keeps me in touch with my friends from elementary school because we dont have a lot of time to hang out. The thing I like the most about playing games is that there is a lot of genres and in my opinion everybody would find something that he or she would like. Another thing is that I almost never watch tv and I prefer to watch something on pc where I dont have to bother with tv advertisements.


Another hobby that I have is basketball. I play it since 5. grade in elementary school. Then I started going to a sporting class aimed on basketball. Through basketball we really got closer with my friends and now we are trying to be toghether as long as possible and hang out whenever it's possible. We won a lot of tournaments and had a lot of fun.
