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The person

Schoolgirl ?

Since the 6th september 2016 I have gone to GJAR in Prešov. I'm here third year and I'm in the III.C class.

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As every student I'm also going through some phases.
The 1st phase was about trying to tell myself that even that's this school quite harder it's still manageable.
The 2nd phase was about resisting and denying. It's not studying but stressing which is taking all of your free time.
The 3rd and also the last phase is getting over the fact that's not going to be easier and we have to handle it.

Traveler ?

As young person I like traveling a lot. I'm glad if I have the opportunity of going on some new place. I was on some many places. But as somebody once said "It's not important where but with who.".

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Cook ?

I'm women and my future hobbie would probably be being able to take care of my family. And it includes cooking. Honestly I like it.
Some favourite recipes

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