Miroslav Repka

Gymnazium Jana Adama Raymana, Presov

Primary school

I attended ZS Majove namestie 1 in Presov.Since my former school had a swimming pool I trained a lot not only the swimming but also other extra curricural activities


Secondary school

After finnishing my primary school I started attending grammar school gymnazium Jana Adama Raymana in Presov. In my first grade I see that my decision was perfect.

In my second grade I start learning some fundamentals of programming. I really like it so I choose this sphere to study at university.


My third grade was very productive. I started working on IoT project in my school and I started learn fundamentals of Java and C. With great hopes I am starting my last grade.

The third year passed very quickly, and A levels are awaiting.

In the final year I have chosen computer science, maths and physics for my final exams. I believe that A levels will end up as successfuly as possible and in a year I will be in university in UK.