gjar nemcina slovencina

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In the years 2007-2016 I attended elementary school Májové námestie in Prešov, which is located in the largest housing estate - Sekčov, a few meters from my apartment. I was doing quite well on primary school. I took part in various competitions.


I am currently attending GJAR, which is situated at Mudroňová 20 in Prešov and I am in 4.C class. My favorite subjects are physical and mathematics.

During 4 years I represented the school in sports such as floorball, handball, basketball and running. Our biggest achievements include 3rd place on the national handball round.


I have been going to an english language school for 7 years.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Monday German English Physics PE English conv.
Teusday Slovak Ext. Maths Maths German
Wednesday Maths Ext. Maths English Physics
Thursday PE Ext. Maths Slovak Physics Maths IT
Friday Slovak English German Geometry

My projects

1. grade 2. grade 3. grade
Bee illnesses (presentation) - 1911 kiB Filipins (presentation) - 3800 kiB Traveling - GER (presentation) - 1277 kiB
Education system - ENG (presentation) - 9746 kiB Artificial intelligence (presentation) - 422 kiB