Simona Hrošová
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Elementary school

When I was six, I started attending Elementary school in Brezovica nad Torysou. During nine years I participated in some competitions in math, biology, history, etc. For two years I was attending art class and club of majorettes.
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High school

After elementary school I decited for studying at Gymnázium Jána Adama Raymana (GJAR). Now I am in third grade. My favorite subjects are English, Biology, Maths and Physics. In the future i would like to study Medicine.
Môj rozvrh hodín
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
PO Ruj Bio Mat Tsv Fyz Anj Dej
UT Geg Mat Anj Che Sjl Bio Bio
STR Obn Ruj Sjl Mat Inf Fyz Che
ŠTV Mat Tsv Bio Geg Ruj Sjl Anj
PI Dej Mat Sjl Obn Anj