
I’ve been a student of Gymnázium Jána Adama Raymana since 2012.

During almost 8 years at this school, I’ve participated in physical competitions and projects like Physical Olympiads, Chain Reaction and TMF (Young Physics Tournament).

My favourite subjects in school are Maths and Informatics.

Timetable - Septima A

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Monday Slovak l. Russian IT English English Conversation
Tuesday English Extended Maths Basics Maths Russian
Wednesday Maths Extended Maths Basics PE IT
Thursday Slovak l. Extended Maths Basics English IT Maths IT
Friday PE Slovak l. Russian Geometry

My classmates

triedna foto


I created this website as a school project in my 1st class. I used HTML and CSS.