Tomáš Michalčin



My biggest and the longest hobby is definitely tennis. I have played tennis for almost 12 years and I would like to go on. I am very keen on tennis and I can't imagine life without tennis. It is sport number 1 for me. When I was younger I won a lot of tournaments. Nowadays I play tennis for pleasure, I relax and do some physical activity at the same time.
Tenis raketa.jpg, 36kB

Mountain Biking

I ride downhill in the woods around Prešov or in Slanské hills together with my friends.
mountainbiken.jpg, 59kB
Funny cycling video i made :D


I have visited plenty of countries during the high school, with support of Erasmus or with my parents. The most exotic country I visited is United Arab Emirates. I enjoy traveling very much and I am planning to visit as many places as possible.
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TV series

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