Veronika Kapcalová - professional website

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A few sentences about me

My name is Veronika Kapcalová. I'm 18 years old. I live in the east of Slovakia, in the small town of Stropkov. I attend the Ján Adam Rayman Grammar School in Prešov. I am a student of the 4th class. I am preparing for a university with a technical focus. Specifically, I would like to focus on informatics in the future. For this reason, in addition to the Slovak language and the English language (B2), I will also graduate in mathematics and computer science. During this study, I started already my first gainful activity through a trade license, on the basis of which I perform brokerage activities and thus cooperate with the company Farmasi. My goal is to gain financial independence as soon as possible and become independent.

Purpose of this website

This professional school site was created as a final thesis in HTML5 and CSS.