My Games

Slimy Jelly

Here you can find out about my first game I created on the android platform ...

Block of Weakness

Here you will find out about my physics and logical thinking game.

Unexplored Void

Learn more about my current game I'm working on ...

Slimy Jelly

My first game on Android platformu

What is this game about ?

This game is called Endless game, so you run until you lose / fall from platforms. In principle, platforms are generated in front of you, and your task is not to fall and go as far as possible by gaining as much points and money as possible, but there are also pitfalls such as: that are haunting you.

What's in the menu ?

The Menu displays the number of money and the number of the second harder to obtain currency (top left), Level and number of points (top right), The map represents the start of the game, Shop in the middle, and Portal, which represents the end of the game.

What's in the shop?

In the store there are various dress-ups for the main character, which can be purchased with money.

What is playability?

Movement of the main character is done using the buttons on the screen, the character can move left and right, as well as can jump and shoot projectiles with which we destroy the enemies.

Block of Weakness

A game that uses physics and logic

What is this game about ?

This game is based on physics while testing your logical thinking. The goal is to use as few hammers as you pass when you remove a block by pressing it to drop the entire structure below the red line (so all blocks must be in the green field).

What does this game look like ?

Here you can see what the game itself looks like. If you are not sure about the construction, you can use: Hint to expose 1 critical block, Loupe to expose all critical blocks, and Hammer for one extra hammer.


Here you can see the main menu where you can see the currently selected cube. You can also see (top left) the number of crystals with which you can buy backgrounds, block textures and more. The gift, which is located at the bottom right, can be activated every 2 hours to get free crystals.

Unexplored Void

Latest game I'm working on (currently in alpha version on Google Play).

What is this game about ?

This space game is based on surviving in an unexplored universe. Your mission is to destroy as many enemy ships with laser or extra things and record the highest score or best time (depending on fashion). By exploring the map, you can discover shipbuilding components or build new galactic gates.

Main menu

In the main menu you can check your cash status and you can also decide whether you want to play, buy or upgrade or change your spaceship.

The Game

This game is controlled by the on-screen joysticks, but they appear when you press the field. The ship shoots automatically so no further action is required. Below you can see special abilities that can help you fight enemy ships.

Galactic hangar

Here you can build or buy spaceships, but they can also be improved. The colors of the spaceships can also be changed here.


Here you can buy parts for spaceships and also special abilities.