Alexandra Dzurillová SK/ EN/ FR

Dear reader,

I welcome you cordially at my proffesional website. Besides boring formalities, I will take you through my hobbies, accomplishments and some of my creative and interesting works.

Hmmm... I have the impression, that I forgot about something. Oh, yeah, sure! I haven't introduced myself.

As you might have noticed in the left upper corner, mz name is Alexandra. I have been spued out to this planet in 2003, particularly to Prešov, to the hospital of J.A. Reiman, operating room number 48. I will keep other details for myself.

2oo9 and I am opening the door of the primary school Kúpeľná in Prešov.

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After five years, I don't even know how, I found myself studying at the 8-years grammar school of Ján Adam Rayman. This guy has been shadowing me since my birth.

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Coming to the end, I wanted to mention, that except for two dogs, one tom cat and one tortoise, there is also my brother and sister who are constantly annoying me (to be understood: I love them to the moon and back.).