Alexandra Dzurillová SK/ EN/ FR


priroda.gif, 4,1kB Nature, tourism, sport, traveling

Eko.gif, 3,9kB Zerowaste lifestyle, Raw diet

At my school, I participate on a project called The Green School. We try to make an everyday life more agreeable not only for us, the people, but also for our planet. The members share their knowledge with their classmates by numerous ways. With some of my classsmates, we took part in one of the strikes for the future of the climate- Fridays for future.

At home, I'm trying to eliminate the amount of the produced trash as well as the share of animal products in my meals. Step by step, I'm trying to influence my family as well, although, usually all my efforts end up being mocked and critisized.

frj.gif, 1,5kB French

The best teacher is the one, who not only explains the toipc well, but also makes the students love his subject. Thanks to my private teacher of French, I totally fell in love with all the languages not just hers. The French contributed to most of my achievements. Besides, I learn also English and recently, I've started to learn Italian.

kniha.gif, 4,1kBBooks and films

The books I have read more than once: Matilda Roald Dahl; Play fair Enja Rúčková
My favourite authors: Jo Nesbo, Lars Kepler
Top films and series: Call me by your name; The End of the F***king world

tanec.gif, 3,1kBDance

When comes to dancing, I have tried many kinds of dance and there are still some I would like to learn. Everything started with the rhythmic gymnastics, afterwards I changed for the artistic one. The next choice, Zumba, was not really my cup of tea. On the contrary, I spent two happy years practicing ballroom and latino dancing, paradoxically without a partner. Finally, I put down the roots at the Primary school of art of Mikuláš Moyzes, where we deal with the classical and scenic dance.

fotografovanie.gif, 2,6kBPhotographing

Well, to avoid any misunderstanding, I would like to LEARN to take photos. So if anybody, who's already got some experience, is patient and interested into bartering his/her knowledge for some tasty cake or food (as that's something I'm good at), the door's open for you.