Anna Miščiková

At the beginning, I would like to welcome you to this site.
My name is definitely already known to you, if you visited her.

Every day I travel from a picturesque village, close to nature overlooking the surrounding villages and the old castle, to a distant town to school. It is not easy to travel a few hours a day to school for the columns, but to study and meeting new people is worth it.

What fills me?

Music is a big part of my life. For several years, in addition to the school, I studied at the Art School with singing and piano. Even if someone said to yourself: it is an immense honor if you have the opportunity and the talent to learn there. He is right, but in addition to studying, I have come to the conclusion that music must come to you and not you to music.

Many people at the time did not understand why I left the Art School, but I do not regret the decision, because since then I feel free and can develop. The music came at the right time and it teaches me to get to know her.