My hobbies

If someone asks me what belongs to my hobbies, I often say that almost everything. Whenever I have free time, I try something new; something I always wanted to try or somehow got to me.

Nature and music belong to my heart the most. Even though I no longer devote myself fully to music, my grandmother and I often sing and learn from each other.

„Nosce te ipsum.“

Speaking of grandma, she and my aunt have always led me to the spoken word and the writing - that is, to what I have always enjoyed. It always fills me with energy and enthusiasm as I share my thoughts and moods.

A few years ago, I participated in recitation competitions and especially author competitions, in which I often held the first positions. SARM

„Hic et nunc.“

After starting a new school, I focus more on writing - mostly works focused on thinking. Sometimes when I see a nice place or nature that stands out, I click a shot; not yet very extra special or modified pictures, rather based on combinations of colors and coincidences. In the future, I definitely plan to return to the spoken word and to the music, because I miss it very much.

As for the future, I may be lucky enough to find me in journalism or ecology. My motivation is supported by my mother, which is also a very great support for me.