Comuter activities

Like every boy, I like computer games.   Since I was young I am very interested in strategic, construction   and economic (you know, the company directoring and city building and etc. games). From Military Strategic games I like to play for example Moscow to Berlin or Total war and my favourite Stellaris. From economical ones: Freight tycoon.inc or Industry giant 2. Well, I can´t refuse survival ones as well.   For example 7Days to die, Unturned, Space engineers   and Minecraft (I'm not playing it anymore). I did not get out without   online real time games like WOT, WT or Heroes and Generals (HG) and B5.

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Actually, since I first had youtube,   I watched the gameplays. And one time I tried to be   youtuber such as. Agraelus or Sterakdary. Most people do not even know that I am ex-youtuber. Currently I dont do any new videos.   I even have all my videos downloaded out. Why????.   I had a few insights but when I watch myself after some time I realized it was embarrassing how stupid I was and how hard it was to make it and I didn´t have so many time to do that after all.   So I decided to "hang youtube on the nail".   I downloaded out all my videos, only my old intro remained on the channel.   And after some time canal has died out (people have stop visiting it). It is true I'm still making videos, doing gameplay, animations and more, but   you can´t see anything of that because I am not uploading anything anymore. But If you want to look at the rest My Channel Click here .      If someone has found among you who reading this who thinks      I would have to go back to that, add a subscription there or write me.