
But this page is about my current job at high school and my job          on her. If you want to know about Adam Adam Rayman Gymnasium         click TU to hear a little of my         Object opinion read more ...       


        Actually my first feeling when I first heard about this school since         friends was very positive. When I did not want to believe it that much         good school even exists. That's why I tried to verify DOD. I'm after him         I was 100 percent determined to study here. I was looking forward to         the above-mentioned group of pupils, teachers, learning practices and possible awards ...         When I became a pupil of this perfect grammar school, I understood that         the quality of something is worth, and in this case just the time. Sincerely still on         I have to work myself and especially with my laziness to achieve         the standard of good pupil, which is really high. And for teachers?         They are the best in the world.