Work experience

My first work experience consisted of washing dishes at the Trieste café in Prešov when I was 16 years old. I worked there for 14 months and gradually worked my way up to a waitress and barista. The learned to communicate with customers and to work efficiently, of which I benefited from in other part-time jobs in the buffet and Unique cafe.

In the summer of 2018, I was given the opportunity to work in the Šariš Brewery shop in Veľký Šariš, where I learned the basics of warehouse management. A year later, I traveled to the Netherlands, where I tried working in large-scale production at Vezet in Warmenhuizen.

Currently, I am working in a bakery shop in the building of the Kaufland department store on Levočská street in Prešov.

Cultural experience

While traveling I had the chance to get to know many different countries and their culture. I regularly travel to Czechia as my family lives here. Next, I have visited Poland and Hungary few times during summer or winter vacation. I had the chance to try their cuisine and also learn a little bit about traditional Hungarian wine production.

During my stay in the Netherlands, I met many people of different origins and got to know the culture of Pakistanis, Somalis, Indians, Spanish and Portuguese. I have learnt a lot about Middle East traditions.