
I would csay that my relationship with art is very positive. Since my childhood, I have been interested in music, I attended dancing classes for seven years, I have been playing the piano for five years, and I also tried to learn myself how to play the ukulele. vzťah k umeniu by som charakterizovala ako veľmi pozitívny. Od mala ma zaujímala hudba, sedem rokov som sa aktívne venovala tancu, už päť rokov hrávam na klavír a ako samouk sa venujem hre na ukulele.

I enjoy thetre musicals or comedies and I can always come across a good play in our theatre of Jonas Zaborsky in Presov. Sometimes I go for ballet to State theatre Kosice and I prefer the work of russian director Kirill Simonov.


My passion for books started in pre-school age, when I enjoyed to flick through the pages of books from Slovak author Gabriela Futova. Even though i n that time i just looked at the pictured. As I later learned to read, I did not get rid of my interest in books and I started to turn pages in books more frequently than ever before.

I mainly fell in love with fantasy genre, historical novels or stories, and of course as any other woman I can not resist a good romance. Every now and then, when I get the mood for solving riddles I grasp at poems from Bukowski, Tolstoy or Slovak poets Ivan Krasko and Jan Botto.


Interest in this astronomy came halfway through my studies at GJAR, when I signed up for the astronomical contest What You Know About Stars?. Firstly I did it just for a good mark, but I soon found out how amazed a person can be when learning about universe. At that time, I realized that it was not just about the stones in the space and I was mostly impressed by the mysteries of the universe; black holes, relativism theory, determinism problems, galaxy formation and the expansion of the universe.