Nina Mizeráková

About me

My name is Nina Mizeráková and I was born in May 2002. Prešov is my hometown and I have been living here ever since I was born. My favourite subjects are Maths, IT, Physics, English and German. I love reading, hand-lettering and watching TV series when I find the time. My favourite ones are Sherlock, Patrick Melrose, Bodyguard, Young Sheldon and Elementary. In the first two above-mentioned TV series was the main character played by my favourite actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who recently starred in the movie Brexit: The Uncivil War.

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Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
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J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter
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Lee Child - Night School

If I am not preparing for school, you'll find me with a book in my hands. I like multiple genres. I consider both Emma and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen to be my favourite books of all time. I ardently recommend at least a flick through those two prominent English novels. I love fantasy as well and people close to me know me to be a huge fan of Harry Potter. I couldn't say no to a good detective book, especially from Lee Child, James Patterson and others.

I enjoy seeing and visiting new places, either abroad by car or in my homecountry on bike.

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Waterloo, Belgium
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Adamov lakes, Slovakia
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Schönbrunn, Vienna


e-mail: nina (dot) mizerakova (at) gjar-po (dot) sk
Facebook: Nina Mizeráková
Google+: Nina Mizeráková