Patrícia Potočňáková
Something about me

My name is Patrícia Potočňáková and I am 18 years old.
From the age of 7, I attended Májové Námestie 1 Elementary School.
In the 5th grade, I decided for a grammar school with eight years of study.
I chose the Ján Adam Rayman Grammar School, which I am still attending.
Biology is one of my favorite subjects.I would like to do something with it in the future as well. In my leisure time I play the violin and attend the Language School at Plzenská 10 in Prešov, where I learn English.


My skills, work and achievements

Language skills:
English language- B2
German language- A2

Driving licence AM,B1,B

During my studies, I dealt with these topics:

Oil barrel Moment theorem USA
Animals walking on water Calorimetric equation Life without sugar
Magnetic fluid Ruthenians Pesticides
Nikola Tesla Moscow Waste
Luminous animals Belarus Baroque

I created this professional website in HTML and CSS as a final work in the 2nd year and I will update it every year.

Biology - 1st year-progress to the regional round-successful solver
                                         2nd year-progress to the regional round- - did not take place (Covid-19)
           LaBak-online seminar 2019/2020- science competition-8th place