Patrícia Potočňáková


Playing the violin

I attend the Mikuláš Moyzes Elementary Art School
in Prešov and I have been playing the violin for 12 years.
In addition, I am a member of the folk orchestra Saris.
With the ensemble I have participated in several folklore
festivals in Slovakia and France. Over the years
with the violin in my hands , I have had countless
experiences and I have met many wonderful people,
who have become invaluable friends.


I don't consider myself as a sport type, but there are certain sports that I enjoy. In the past I used to actively swim, play volleyball and I also attended a figure skating course. However, I like skiing the most because it is great relax for me.




I like discovering new places and creating new unforgettable experiences.
I like spending time in the nature, but I also enjoy sightseeing.

Books and serials

In my free time I like to go into magical world beyond everyday reality. I like stories of all kinds, and I like finding deeper meanings in them.
My favorite book is definitely The Little Prince.I also like to watch various movies and series.
