Petra Mušinková


Friends ♥

I would be lying if I said that I spend little of my free time with my friends. We like to go on various trips, cook together, watch movies, go shopping and so on.

Table tennis ♥

I have been playing table tennis or ping pong as an amateur for six years. I train almost regularly with my father or brother in our garage. During the first year of high school I also went to the table tennis club, where we won second place for the school.

Music ♥

Music, something I can't imagine a day without. But in addition to listening to it, I also like creating it. I played the keyboard for three years. Even though I finished with that a long time ago, my keyboard doesn't fit in the dust. I like learning new modern songs. We often use to play together with my best friend, as she plays the violin.

My musical taste changes frequently, but at the moment I like to listen to my favorite band, which is Panic! at the Disco.

Travel ♥

Like any young person I love to discovering new places. I haven't traveled much, but even the few places I've visited have been wonderful. Ireland is definitely one of the most beautiful ones. My dream is to visit Paris, London or even the Maldives.

Movies and books ♥

Even though I'm not a big fan of movies and TV series, I sometimes find the time to go to the cinema with my friends or watch a movie at someone's house. My favorite movies include Now you see me, the Harry Potter movie series and Marvel movies. In addition to Harry Potter films, I also began reading the books.

Dance ♥

I had been dancing for a long time. I started at Grimmy Elementary School of Art, later I moved on to the Ebony Leisure Center where I was until I finished dancing. The dance type I was working on is called Showdance. It was a mixture of dance and acting. The final concerts always had a topic, so in addition to dancing we also had to focus on facial expressions, costumes and acting elements. The trainings, which used to be twice a week, also included elements of folk, classical and modern dance.