Petra Mušinková


I study at Ján Adam Rayman's Grammar School in Prešov. I attend class 3.C. There are 34 unique students in our class. I am very happy with my school, I have made a lot of new friends and met great teachers. My favorite subjects are biology and physics. Studying at GJAR is challenging, but with a little self-discipline and good motivation, it is fine. My motivation are my friends and the experiences I get every day at this school. In just two years we have experienced and participated in several great activities organized by the school. These were, for example, school balls, Rayman's week, DOD, ski training or even class trips.

For nine years studied at Májové Námestie Elementary School in Prešov.

My computer skills

During my studies at GJAR I have improved in several subjects, but mainly in ICT.
Programs which I acquired basic skills in:
  • Word
  • Zoner Calistor
  • Audacity
  • PSPad+ CSS
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • various video editors
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