Hello and welcome to my first personal page, which I created as a year-end school project on the school lessons of IT.
about me

I was born on March 19, at 3 pm local time in the westernmost city of the eastern European country of Ukraine, Uzhgorod, which is located on the border with Slovakia. The first three years of study (2009-2012) I studied at a local elementary school with advanced study of the English language, the next six - at secondary school No. 4, the only one in Ukraine and one of the few in the world to provide education with advanced study of the Slovak language. Then, after graduating from secondary school, I moved to neighboring Slovakia, namely to the city of Presov, where I studied for 1 year at Taras Shevchenko’s gymnasium with advanced study of the Ukrainian language. I used this place as a springboard for entering the Gymnasium of Jan-Adam Rayman, the second grade of which I am currently finishing. I see my future in the German city of Munich, as a student in the physics department of one of the two universities - either TUM or LMU. To achieve this goal, I am currently intensively studying German, trying to get as many contacts in Germany as possible, and, of course, studying physics.


Ohmov Zákon (Achtung, Bohemian dialect)

O Nemeckých mestách (Achtung, Bohemian dialect)

Dia-, Ferro- a Para- magnetizmus (Achtung, Bohemian dialect)


timetable of classes
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Math Biology German English Geography
Social science Chemistry Physics Literature Physics
Art und Culture History Literature Math Chemistry
English Slovakian Geography IT Biology
Slovakian Physics Ethics Sport/PE Math
German Sport/PE Math History English
English Social science German
IT in natural Sciences

Since September 2019, from the 2nd schoolyear I study in GJAR. I also want to take exams in physics, German and mathematics at this school.


Well, most of all I am interested in theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, the theory of relativity - as fundamental sciences, which with the help of several basic principles and constants, amazing in their beauty and shape, describe almost the whole world around us through the Standard Model and General Theory of Relativity; examples of hobbies include linguistics, artificial and fictional, as well as ancient and unusual languages, language comparison and genealogy; reflections on the past and future, fate, philosophy and history of mankind, society, civilization, culture and science. I also love classical music, Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky. I also perceive my passion for the German language as a kind of hobby. Interesting sites:







Beethoven №9 - Beethoven №5 - Beethoven Pathetique


Tchaikovsky 1 - Tchaikovsky 2 - Tchaikovsky Nutcracker


Dvorak №9 - Shostakovich №7 - Mahler №2 - Brahms 3 - Saint-Saёns 3 - Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue

contakts page's last update: 21.05.2020 volodymyr dot korol at gjar-po dot sk; 2.A-4.A, Grammar school of Jan-Adam Rayman, Mudroňova 20, Prešov 08001, SK, Slovakia